

  按产品品种来分,分为:全棉高支高密产品、全棉纬向弹力产品、全棉磨毛类产品、全棉抓剪毛类 产品、各类灯芯、仿平绒、各类帆布、棉尼龙经纬双弹织物、棉人棉弹力织物、全人棉、竹纤维等产 品。各类针织织物印花等等。活性染料印花、防抜印花等是我司的技术核心;冷染染色产品是我司染色 产品的亮点;人棉、竹纤维、木代尔等再生纤维染色、印花,全棉针织布活性印花等产品是我司的特色 产品。

 According to the products ,can divided into ;high densty of high count yam products, 100%cotton spandex products , 100%cotton peach products ,100%cotton cutting brushing products , various kinds of corduroy,velveteen-link,canvas products . Cotton nylon double spandex fabrics, Cotton rayon spandex fabrics, 100%cotton , banboo fiber products and various kinds of knitted reactive printing fabrics, The core technology of our company are Reactive printing and dischager printing. The cold dyeing products is our products highlights. Rayon, Bamboo fiber modal synthetic fabric dyeing Sprinting , 100%cotton knittde reactive printing are the characteristics of our products.